We have a ridiculously small little above the ground pool in our backyard that we bought just for him. We also bought a neat little baby float that has a shade over it. We decided to try it all out yesterday. At first he had this reaction:
Then after a bit, he felt more like this:
On a sad note, Henry went through a rough time Tuesday night, which was exactly 1 week from coming home. He woke up around 2:30 am crying his head off. This wasn't his usual crying. It was wild, uncontrollable screaming for about 20 minutes. He was resisting our comforting him as well. Even though he's not really talking yet, he was trying to say something over and over. It was the most horrible thing to watch him go through. This grieving is a normal (though extremely difficult) part of the process. If you think of this past week from his perspective, then it's amazing that he's done so well! Last night, our sweet boy slept through the entire night without waking once. It's the first time he's done that with us.
He is SO cute! Especially in the pool, what a cute face!
Glad to hear that the sleeping schedule is getting better. Poor little guy! I know grieving is all part of it, but it makes me so sad that they have to go through that. Not looking forward to that. But I have you to help me through it! Thanks for sharing.
Oh those hats are too much! I feel like I just keep saying, "He's so cute! He's so cute!" -- but he is!!
Did you feel like a whole new momma after a solid night of sleeping?
He looks so stinkin' cute in these photos!
What a cutie in all his hats! I have a feeling we will be doing the same thing with our girl and all the bows we have for her! lol!
Henry is super cute!! Love the hats! Many blessings for your family's transitions.
Your little one is adorable. We brought our Cohen home 5 weeks ago and are going through some of the joys and challenges you are experiencing. Sleep has been the most difficult...especially at first. Our little one fights sleep and we have really struggled with a schedule. It is getting better as he slowly adjusts. We have also made changes to his day schedule that is helping promote sleep at night instead of during the day.
I wish you all the best as you get to know your precious boy!
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